-The Nephites have always had great struggles and they continue to go from being very faithful to having not faith and not believing in the gospel or in our Savior. What would it or does it take for us to doubt or to stop believing in things that we "knew" at one point?
They did also repent "and did serve God with all diligence day and night." (3 Nephi 5:3) That takes a lot of dedication to serve God day and night. I try to do what's right and what is asked of me but I don't always serve God day and night.
- I love the next verse (vs 4) they did capture prisoners and then sent missionaries into prison to preach to them the word of God. What a good tactic, lock up your investigators and then they have no choice but to listen. :)
"Disciple is a term that denotes pupil or learner, an adherent to the principles and doctrine espoused by a teacher. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ, as He taught, is no trivial matter.
"Christ unequivocally declared the cost of discipleship when He said, 'Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh, not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.' (Luke 14:33.) In other words, to be His disciple requires absolute, unrestrained devotion to His teachings and a sacrifice of all that is necessary to maintain such commitment." (Church News, 12/27/97)
Do I and am I living my life in order to be called and chosen as a servant of God. Am I reliable and dependable? Do I continue to improve myself to be more so?
Blessing- We are having beautiful weather!!!
They did also repent "and did serve God with all diligence day and night." (3 Nephi 5:3) That takes a lot of dedication to serve God day and night. I try to do what's right and what is asked of me but I don't always serve God day and night.
- I love the next verse (vs 4) they did capture prisoners and then sent missionaries into prison to preach to them the word of God. What a good tactic, lock up your investigators and then they have no choice but to listen. :)
"Disciple is a term that denotes pupil or learner, an adherent to the principles and doctrine espoused by a teacher. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ, as He taught, is no trivial matter.
"Christ unequivocally declared the cost of discipleship when He said, 'Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh, not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.' (Luke 14:33.) In other words, to be His disciple requires absolute, unrestrained devotion to His teachings and a sacrifice of all that is necessary to maintain such commitment." (Church News, 12/27/97)
Do I and am I living my life in order to be called and chosen as a servant of God. Am I reliable and dependable? Do I continue to improve myself to be more so?
Blessing- We are having beautiful weather!!!
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