Christ is asking the people how often do I have to gather you up and bring you into my fold? Why don't we just do as He has shown us and asks instead of being stubborn and doing our own things and living in our own way? "...and their mourning was turned to joy, and their lamentations into the praise and thanksgiving unto the Lord Jesus Christ, their Redeemer." (# Nephi 10:10) -Does it take natural disasters or miserable trials we go through to bring us to praise and thank Christ or do we strive to thank and praise Him every day? In what ways can I improve? "he that hath the scriptures, let him search them," (3 Nephi 10:14) -We are asked to search the scriptures and find ways to improve our lives, not just read them and put them away for the day. It doesn't tell us anywhere to read the scriptures but to search them. The Prophet Joseph Smith counseled: 'Search the scriptures-search the revelations ... and ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of...
Showing posts from April, 2017
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Christ is talking to the people in many cities about being destroyed and also said, "O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous then they will not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?" (3 Nephi 9:10) Christ has promised us may times in the scriptures that if we would follow His example, live His gospel the way He has asked us to we will be saved. In this scripture he is asking us to come unto Him, repent and be converted then he promises to heal us. -The people heard the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. What would that be like to be on earth and hear His voice? I think if we were doing as these people were I would be scared to death. They weren't doing what they should have been doing and needed to repent. But it would be comforting if I were there back then and I was part of the righteous group in the cities. "I came unto my own, and my own received me not." (3 Nephi 9:16) -How sad is that? Chris...
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Hartman Rector Jr. "The prophet Mormon stated very plainly what I like to call the qualification for the performance of miracles. It is recorded in 3 Nephi...'there was not any man who could do a miracle in the name of Jesus save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity.' "So this is the qualification: we must be cleansed every whit from our iniquity. When I first read this passage of scripture, I felt to say 'Hurray for repentance!' for if it were not for repentance, there would be no miracles performed." (Conference Report, Apr. 1970, p. 103) "cleansed every whit from his iniquity" (3 Nephi 7:1) -Where would we be if it weren't for repentance? Do we take advantage of it? Do we recognize when we need to repent and do so? It talks about the prophecy coming to past and the land changing and the earth having mountains and valley's because of the promises the Lord made if they did not repent of their sins. Blessing- My ...
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3 Nephi 7:16, "began to testify boldly, repentance and remission of sins through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. " - What is the difference in having faith "on the Lord Jesus Christ" and in the Lord Jesus Christ? says, Having faith in Jesus Christ means relying completely on Him — trusting in His infinite power, intelligence, and love. It includes believing His teachings. It means believing that even though we do not understand all things, He does. Because He has experienced all our pains, afflictions, and infirmities, He knows how to help us rise above our daily difficulties (see Alma 7:11-12; D&C 122:8). He has “overcome the world” (John 16:33) and prepared the way for us to receive eternal life. He is always ready to help us as we remember His plea: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36). - Nephi is trying to teach the people and it says "for so great was his fa...
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Te gathering of Isreal is happening right now as we do missionary work. 2 Nephi 5:26 talks about it and says, "then shall they be gathered in from the four quarters of the earth unto their own lands," . It makes me wonder if everyone who has come to the United States will have to go back to their homeland? When will this take place, all at once or a little at a time? -It's interesting reading about Satan and the influence that he has on God's children because he always uses his same tactics with every generation. He doesn't change anything he does, he uses worldly treasures or riches and pride most of the time to pull God's children away from the path. As soon as people get these things they stop doing what has been asked of them; reading our scriptures, praying, going to church, paying our tithing serving others around us... You would think that we could figure this out after thousands of years of the same stuff, but he still gets us. -What can we change...
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-The Nephites have always had great struggles and they continue to go from being very faithful to having not faith and not believing in the gospel or in our Savior. What would it or does it take for us to doubt or to stop believing in things that we "knew" at one point? They did also repent "and did serve God with all diligence day and night." (3 Nephi 5:3) That takes a lot of dedication to serve God day and night. I try to do what's right and what is asked of me but I don't always serve God day and night. - I love the next verse (vs 4) they did capture prisoners and then sent missionaries into prison to preach to them the word of God. What a good tactic, lock up your investigators and then they have no choice but to listen. :) "Disciple is a term that denotes pupil or learner, an adherent to the principles and doctrine espoused by a teacher. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ, as He taught, is no trivial matter. "Christ unequivocally declared...
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- The Lord God will deliver the righteous our of the hands of their enemy. But, we must do our part we can't stand idly and wait for the Lord to put forth His hand without work on our part. -3 Nephi 4:15 the Gaddianhi robbers and the Nephites are fighting. The Nephites were prepared and were on the Lord's side thus, they were strengthened and protected from their enemy. After fighting it says they "did return again to their place of security." What is our place of security? Where do we go or run to feel safe and secure? How or do I make it safe or comfortable from the world and from worldly things? How could I do better? Blessing- Heavenly Father has given me a love and respect for things that are spiritual and righteous, as well as a desire to do and be better.
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3 Nephi 1:21 talks about the new start that the wise men were watching for and noticed as soon at it appeared. They also took off to go find the Savior born as a baby as soon as they knew about it. -The people had many miracles and signs of the Savior that should have strengthened their testimony and given them the desire to live righteously in order to be more like Him. But they began to harden their hearts and disbelieve the prophecies. Neal A. Maxwell said, "How quickly [Satan] moves in even where people have had special spiritual experiences, seeking to get people who have seen signs 'To disbelieve all which they had heard and seen.' (3 Nephi 2:1-2.) The adversary has a better chance to persuade us that what we believe is foolish if we worry about looking foolish in front of our fellowmen. We read about the subtleties of the devil and that the adversary persuadeth not one man to do good. (Alma 12:4; Moroni 7:17.)" (Things As They Really Are, p. 41) We mus...
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-Samual the Lamanite testified and warned the people of the birth of Christ and told them they needed to repent and change their lives. They didn't believe them and just waited around for the day that was appointed to kill the believers. I don't think I would have the courage to just wait around, because what if it is true or right? I mean it is but I wouldn't want to take that change if I was on the nonbeliever's side of things. There are a lot of nonbelievers in the world. It's interesting because I feel like those who don't believe feel safe in their state of mind because they feel they won't be held accountable for their choices and actions. But that isn't the case. The reason we have a Savior and the gospel is to make us more like our Savior and our Father in Heaven. Without it we would just sit idly around and do nothing. The gospel and the teachings are such a blessing that can give us the guidance and directions we need to be happy in this li...
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Helaman 16:6 Ezra Taft Benson said, "How we respond to the words of a living prophet when he tells us what we need to know, but would rather not hear, is a test of our faithfulness." (BYU Speeches of the Year, 1980, p. 28 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 392) - I really like this quote, it really shows our dedication to the gospel and how we can improve our lives to according to what we hear. Do we change and become better or just listen and stay the same? Do we get upset and think they are attacking us or do we humbly recognize things within ourselves that need changed and change them? CIRCUMSPECTLY, adverb Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise or danger Blessing- I have a strong testimony and I have never really had a doubting heart or mind.
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- The scriptures often talk about, he who the Lord loveth "he chasteneth". I wish I had a better understanding of this. Part of me thinks it's because when we are going through trials those of us who are reading our scriptures, praying, going to church... go to our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ for guidance and strength and strengthen the relationship and bond there when we are going through hard times. But we need to remember our Savior Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father don't want to just hear from us when we are going through hard times they want to hear from us always when we are happy, when we have a success, when we are making decisions..." - We have been shown the way and how to live our lives if we would only obey and submit our will to our Father's. We have so many tools that we can use, but if we don't use them we can't make it back we can't strengthen our testimony of these things. Blessing- Heavenly Father gives us all tha...
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The people are told a timeline to be ready and to prepare themselves for the Savior to come and yet they didn't. What would we do if we knew the Lord was coming or knew of His death? I over the clarification of what is going to happen because of the Atonement. It will bring " to pass the resurrection and redeemeth all mankind from the first death" (Helaman 14:15) will continue tomorrow...
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-The Lord does not speak to our mind but to our hearts. So, we must be open and willing to listen to our feelings and recognize the fruits of the spirit. We can't say "If only..." because it is our day and time and there is nothing we can do about it. I love this quote by President Harold B. Lee, "You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your political views. It may contradict your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life. But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name's glory.' (DC 21:6)" (Conference Report, Oct. 1970, p. 152) -It happens that often times in our lives we aren't asked to do things that are easy or comfortable...
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In the beginning of Helaman 12 it talks a lot about our Heavenly Father needing to chasten his people or us in order for us to come unto Him. -How true is that in my life? Do I need trial and tribulations to come into my life in order for me to worship God as I ought to or do I obey Him and do my best do always be with Him and always be doing His will? I'm not perfect but I feel I do a good job at it. It's interesting that we are nothing and yet everything to God. -We mean so much to Him. I know that He loves me so much and that He wants the best for me and for me to return to live with Him again regardless of how sinful and disobedient I am. I am so thankful for the doctrine and the scripture and for the opportunity I get each morning to read and learn from the words of my God. I want to be better and do better every day. Blessing- We have had some beautiful weather.
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-The Lord answers prayer in His own timing and in His own way. The people in Helaman 11 were praying for help because of the famine that the Lord had put on them because of their wickedness but they were required to change their lives and do as was asked of them before they could just have what they were praying for. -What is the Lord asking me to change or do differently to get what I am praying for? What is required of me? They had (Helaman 11:23) "many revelations daily,". -We probably have many revelations or inspirational thoughts daily we just don't write them down or consider them revelation. We should learn better to give credit where credit is due when receiving revelation from God. It's amazing how people get a little bit of power and they take it and usually become worldly and prideful. We must realize that all we have is God's and he is allowing us to borrow it from Him; talents, abilities, strengths, our worldly possessions, and even our persona...
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Gordon B. Hinckley "We all do a lot of studying, but most of us don't do much meditation. We don't take time to think. I'd like to suggest that next fast day . . . everybody in this hall set aside an hour or two. Sit by yourself. Go in the bedroom and lock the door. Go out in the yard under a tree. Go in your study if you have one and shut the door, and think about yourself and your worthiness. Read from this great book [Book of Mormon]...There's a great word that's used, 'ponder.' "'Ponder.' What do we mean by 'ponder'? Well, I think it simply means kind of quietly thinking things through. Ponder what you have read. Ponder your life. Are you worthy, are you living the commandments...?" (Church News, 01/06/96) -Pondering is a great way to recognize and receive revelation. "sought my will, and to keep my commandments." (Helaman 10:4) -Do we do this seek Gods will and obey Him and His commandments? Sometimes I...
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CIRCUMCISE , verb transitive To cut off the prepuce or foreskin of males; a ceremony or rite in the Jewish and Mohammedan religions. The phrase “uncircumcised of heart” (2 Nephi 9:33) refers to those whose hearts are not open to God and who are unwilling to keep covenants with Him. ( -Becuase the five men who were accused didn't give up and believed in God they were able to convert many others who were in prison with them. If they would have just become depressed and sat in there feeling sorry for themselves they wouldn't have accomplished the work the Lord had for them, that of converting more that they might not have thought about. -We should be an example to everyone and in righteous living and be optimistic so that we can be an influence and instrument in the hand of God whenever he needs us. Even if it is at a hard time of trials and turmoil. Prayer will help with this process as well as having more trust in Heavenly Father. Sometimes this is...
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I love the symbolism of the brazen serpent. "And as many as should look upon that serpent should live, even so as many should live, even as so many as should look upon the Son of God with faith, having a contrite spirit, might live even unto that life which is eternal." We must have and continue to strengthen our faith and do our part of the gospel which is asked of us. Because of the gospel, we have been given every tool and all the knowledge we need to live our lives as the Savior has. The only that that prevents us from being like the Savior and receiving more blessings in our own agency. What we do with it, how we strengthen our testimony* determines our own destiny and how we grow ourselves. It makes me think of the influences around us too. If we don't have quality people who are trying to live their lives using the gospel it can put some of our fire out or weaken it by putting bad things into it that can influence the flame, how you are controlling it, and how...
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If we ask for something it is promised that it should be given unto us. Nephi's people were "easy to be entreated, firm to keep the commandments of God, and slow to be led to do iniquity; and they were quick to hearken unto the world of the Lord." Our mind is very powerful and can have such an influence on what we do and how we feel by what we allow into our lives. I truly believe that we need to keep our minds clean in order to feel the spirit and that we should not allow things to interfere with the way we feel or the things we are doing. I am so thankful for the power of God and the impact and influence He has and can have on me to help me get through hard times. Blessing- I got to go to institute yesterday.
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IMPEN'ITENT- adjective Not penitent; not repenting of sin; not contrite; obdurate; of a hard heart. "And they did fellowship one with another, and did rejoice one with another, and did have great joy." (Helaman 6:3) -This is how we should be living within the church, working together to do the will of our Father in Heaven. Helaman 6:17 they began to set their hearts upon their riches The adage, "it is not money which is the root of all evil, but the love of money which is the root of all evil" (see 1 Tim 6:10), applies perfectly to the Nephites. Their riches would not have been a problem had they not set their hearts upon them. This is the great lesson and warning for the latter-day saints. It's interesting that we don't work harder and try to get rid of the pride in our lives and become more humble and submissive to the Lord even after we read about what happens to the Nephites and Lamanites. The pride cycle is what we need to stay away from...
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Helaman 5:30, "it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it has been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul." -The righteous people in the sciptures are such a great example to us of righteous living and how we should conduct our own live. They are "firm and ...steadiness in the faith.'' I feel like that they must be very close to Christ because it's hard to have steady faith, I have it a lot but sometimes I doubt and get frustrated and my faith falters. We must have a change of heart and a change of lifestyle in order to live as Christ does and how he wants us to live. This is why we are asked do do things like; go to church, partake of the sacrament, go to the temple, study our scriptures, pray and so much more. So we can have that firm and unabiding testimony. Blessing- internet
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The only way to be saved is to believe in and live our lives in accordance with The Gospel of Jesus Christ and follow His example. "...the Lord surely should come to redeem his people, but that he should not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem them from their sins." (Hel. 5:10) I really like this explanation of this scripture I just found: ( ) "For Christ to redeem us in our sins would imply that we are not capable of changing, that we receive His forgiveness, but we don't do anything differently, that we don't become something more than we are today. For Christ to save us from our sins implies that we progress, that with His help we become the sort of people who don't commit those sins anymore. This true understanding of the Atonement places demands on us: if we are capable of changing with God's help, then we need to trust Him and make the effor...
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"the spirit of the Lord does not dwell in unholy temples..." -We could think of this phrase in a lot of different ways. First of the way we hear about it in the church a lot that we need to stay worthy of the spirit that we can have it within us in order to fill it and make correct decisions and always have access to its power to be guided and directed every day. The second way is we must teach others and then we must be an example of righteousness to others as we have the spirit with us and they see that and recognize the difference it makes. We must yield to temptation and follow the ways of the Lord in order to have the fullness of His spirit to be with us. Blessing- I have the Holy Ghost with me to guide me and direct me every day.
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Helaman 3:29 "The word of God, (will)...lead the man do Christ in a strait and narrow course..." Franklin D. Richards said, "The sum of the whole matter is, that having found the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of eternal life, our only safety is in seizing hold of the rod of iron, which is the word of God, and clinging to it through all the dark, misty and troublesome experiences we may be called to pass through; and that if we do this we shall find ourselves eventually partaking of those fruits which will bring to us eternal life, with joys supernal." (Collected Discourses 1886-1898, vol. 1., edited by Brian H. Stuy, April 8, 1888) -This is something that I wish all man new, and it's also something I wish I did better and could perfect. Living the gospel and always staying on that straight and narrow path. "they did fast and pray oft...did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ......