-What are we (am I) doing to prepare to meet God? To stand at His judgment bar and be prepared to see Him again?

We are asked "have patience and bear with those afflictions, with a hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions." (Alma 34:41)

So we are asked to have patience and hope. These two things can be hard to have especially because we can't see the end, we never know what is going to happen, what we are going to go through or what we are preparing for.

Sometimes I think of this life as studying or preparing for a big test but we don't really know fully how to prepare for it. We just study all the material we can or want to and try to follow it to be like Christ. But it is hard to try to be like someone we don't know. So if we don't study the scriptures and study His life then we won't be able to be like him.

Blessing- I was able to get home safe last night!


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