Alma 38:5 "put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of our trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions,"

John Taylor

"There is not a man upon the earth that has put his trust in God, I do not care what part of the world he has been in, but what can say that he delivered him. I know that has been the case with me, emphatically so. I have been satisfied, when in foreign lands and in strange countries, where I had no access but to the Almighty, that he was on my side, and I know that he has answered my prayers. (Journal of Discourses, 8:96, June 17, 1860)

In the talk "Endure and be lifted up" by Russell M. Nelson he said,
"This power to endure is critical in those two most important relationships we enter into in life. One is marriage; the other is membership in the Lord’s Church. These are also unique in that they are both covenant—not contractual—relationships."

-It is so important to trust God and to put away all worldly desires and submit our will to our Father in Heavens. He is the only one that that help us, him and our Savior are te only ones who can bring us peace in this life.

Blessing- I have amazing people in my life.


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