-Our Heavenly Father knew that when he sent us down to earth we would sin and fall short the glory of god; "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:" Romans 3:23-24 But He loves us perfectly so He planned for a Savior to redeem us from our sins but in order to have this blessing in our lives we must "repent and forsake (your) sins..." (Alma 39:9)
This can seem like a big task because repenting requires a change of heart and mind.
God has a plan for everyone and for everything that is going to happen. It gives me comfort to know that I can pray to Him and He will guide me to do what is right for me in my life. I know that He loves me and cares about every aspect of my life the good times and the hard times.
It's interesting to see the different ways in which our Father in Heaven reaches out to us and Him in our lives and to guide us and direct us though. I know the won't lead us astray if we go to Him in all things and counsel with Him.
Blessing- God answers prayers.
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