Because we can only be saved through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we must come to know Him and have a relationship with him.
Christ performed the "infinite atonement" for me, for each of us who have ever been on this earth, suffered for our sins. He died so that we might live again.
How are we showing Christ and our Father in heaven that we believe in Christ and that we accept His infinite atonement? I believe there is always something that we can improve on. Always some way we can change and e more like our Savior.

I'm reading the book "The infinite Atonement" by Tad R. Callister it is amazing. I will have to re-read it a few times but what I have learned from it so far is amazing. It makes me so thankful for Christ and for His undying love for me and the sacrifice He made for me to return to my Heavenly Father.

March - Atonement - Remember and apply the ‘Parable of the Pencil.’ Achieving greatness comes by yielding our hearts to God. We learn and grow the most by being shaped by Him. As children of God we are of infinite worth, with what matters most endowed to us by Him and sent with us for our journey here. We all make mistakes, but through the Atonement of Christ all can be made right!:
Blessing: I have beautiful hair!


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