The Lamanites were a wicked people, for Mornoi to be put in command at 25 and to go fight against such a wicked people would be scary.
- Moroni was a very righteous leader but he didn't go into battle without his weapons and armor. He knew that Satan will come full force and that just a testimony of God wasn't enough to fight off the enemy.
-What is it that we do everyday or should we do every day to prepare for our enemy to attack us? He will if he's not attacking right now he is plotting something to get you with. We must have our foundations strong and our testimony sure in order to not allow him to defeat us.
Something I always forget to do is ask for strength in times of trials and hardships I will eventually but I think I can do everything by myself.

Blessing- I have an amazing priesthood worthy father who loves and cares for me.


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