Henry Erying said, "You see, it's hard to feel that you are sufficiently humble. If you did, you might not be." (To Draw Closer to God, p. 57)
- How do we become more humble? How can we better recognize that all we have and who we are is because of our Savior Jesus Christ? We should be asking what we need to and should be doing with the gifts we have been given.

"Whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil." (Alma 5:40) (Cross reference - Moroni 7:16)

-It is testified that Christ will come and that He will "take away the sins o the world"  and it is our duty to believe in Him and live our lives accordingly. God has a way of doing everything which is the holy order of the priesthood and He will make sure everything is always in His control and that nothing happens that wasn't supposed to happen under Him.

Blessing: My Savior came to earth lived, and died for me and my sins.


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