-The church was set in order and they even use the term "laying on of hands" like we do to ordain leaders of the church, then Alma goes out to preach to the people and shares his testimony of Jesus Christ.

testimony- Witness; evidence; proof of some fact.

Alma says, "I do trust... that e do worship the true and living God, and that ye look forward for the remission of your sins, with an everlasting faith wich is to come."
-Faith is something that we have to continually be working on. We can't just wake up one day after working on it really hard and proclaim, "I have faith." We must pray for it and work for it every single day of our lives.

Alma 7:8 says something I need to remember, "the Lord God hath power to do all things which are according to his word."
-I will forget this every now and then when things are hard and feel like I have to do them on my own and that I am alone.

The Savior of the world is born to the earth, well testified to come, and be born to Mary. What an amazing thing to happen. God is so trusting of us when we prove our loyalty. What are we doing today to prove we are worthy to help carry out His great plan? What can we do more?

Blessing- We have been blessed with so much additional resources through things like books and magazines to learn and grow and strengthen our testimonies of the Savior.


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