
Showing posts from December, 2016
-How much more do we need to do?  They people were given knowledge " according to their desires, and their faith, and prayers, of that which has been, and which is, and which is to come;" (Alma 9:20) They were given things according to their righteousness, what do we need to improve on to get that as well? -Those who aren't living their lives the way they know they should be take things personally and get mad a the messenger. Just like earlier in 1 Nephi 16:2 when it says, "The guilty take the truth to be heard." Are we just getting offended because it is a weakness we have or something we don't see as a problem, or even our favorite sin? Blessing: SNOW!!! 
Alma is visited by a messenger again from God and He tells him what he must do to fulfill God's will. He also says "thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God..." -What would I do, how would I prepare to have the Prophet come into my home? (Alma 8:19-20) What kind of blessing would I hope He would leave on my home? -Alma gets a companion and goes out doing the Lords work with help. He prepares Amulek for a few days probably teaching him and teaching him how to teach others. Helping him learn the gospel so they could go out and have success in their work. Then they were thrown in prison, "this was done that the Lord might show forth his power in them."  -It's interesting the things the Lord has us go through to better understand ourselves or to help others understand the power the Lord has and what He can do. Blessing- I feel can feel my Saviors love every day.
Gerald N. Lund said, That is an astonishing concept.  Not only did He make infinite payment for all the wrongs and injustices on earth, but He also gained infinite empathy for each of us.  Somehow, in a way that is unfathomable to us, He knows exactly what [we have] endured.  He knows what it is like to suffer with terminal cancer.  He knows the loneliness of depression.  He understands the feelings utter hopelessness that can come with some mental illnesses.  There is no burden, no sorrow, no suffering that He doesn't fully understand.  And because of that, there is nothing we can take to Him that brings a response of, "I'm sorry.  I don't understand." ("Come Unto Me," Brigham Young University-Idaho Devotional, September 23, 2008) -We need to pray to better understand the Atonement and to better understand how Christ can help each of us throughout our lives because of the Atonement. He did it for me, He did it for you and He would do it again ...
-The church was set in order and they even use the term "laying on of hands" like we do to ordain leaders of the church, then Alma goes out to preach to the people and shares his testimony of Jesus Christ. testimony-  Witness; evidence; proof of some fact. Alma says, "I do trust... that e do worship the true and living God, and that ye look forward for the remission of your sins, with an everlasting faith wich is to come." -Faith is something that we have to continually be working on. We can't just wake up one day after working on it really hard and proclaim, "I have faith." We must pray for it and work for it every single day of our lives. Alma 7:8 says something I need to remember, "the Lord God hath power to do all things which are according to his word." -I will forget this every now and then when things are hard and feel like I have to do them on my own and that I am alone. The Savior of the world is born to the earth, well tes...
Henry Erying said, "You see, it's hard to feel that you are sufficiently humble. If you did, you might not be." (To Draw Closer to God, p. 57) - How do we become more humble? How can we better recognize that all we have and who we are is because of our Savior Jesus Christ? We should be asking what we need to and should be doing with the gifts we have been given. "Whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil." (Alma 5:40) (Cross reference - Moroni 7:16) -It is testified that Christ will come and that He will "take away the sins o the world"  and it is our duty to believe in Him and live our lives accordingly. God has a way of doing everything which is the holy order of the priesthood and He will make sure everything is always in His control and that nothing happens that wasn't supposed to happen under Him. Blessing: My Savior came to earth lived, and died for me and my sins.
-The people were blessed because of their righteous living to get the opportunity to be baptized and become members of Christ's church. Do we allow our hearts to change and allow them to soften when God blesses us and even when He humbles us? How can we make the process easier, because sometimes it hurts and sometimes it is just that, a process? We need to be clean and have a mighty change of heart in order to return to the presence of God and to feel the fullness of the love He has for us. We need to have a pure heart and clean hands to walk into the presence of our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ. Going to the temple and washing our garments through the blood of Christ who saved us all is the only way we can do this. Am I worthy to go to heaven and live with Christ and Joseph Smith and all those who have done so much for us in heaven with my Heavenly Father? What more can be done? How can I do better? Blessing- I have had amazing influential people in my life ...
3500  "united themselves to the church of God and were baptized." -There is strength in numbers. Alma was able to be a big part in the conversion of so many people. These are a lot of very good scriptures to remind us that evil comes only from Satan and that the pride cycle is real. Heavenly Father wouldn't want us to become prideful He wants us to be happy but also know where our talents and blessings have come and continue to come from. When we are thankful we are humble and teachable. Blessing- God is always willing to bless the righteous.
Ignominious  -(IGNOMIN'IOUS, adjective [Latin ignominiosus. See Ignominy.]) 1. Incurring disgrace; cowardly; of mean character. Then with pale fear surprised, 2. Very shameful; reproachful; dishonorable; infamous. To be hanged for a crime is ignominious Whipping, cropping and branding are ignominious punishments. 3. Despicable; worthy of contempt; as an ignominious projector. What kind of dedication does it take from us to be like the people and be "steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God," and to "...bear with patience the percecutions where were heaped upon them." Comely (COMELY, adjective) 1. Properly, becoming; suitable: whence, handsome; graceful. Applied to person or form, it denotes symmetry or due proportion, but it expresses less than beautiful or elegant. This is how we should live; "they did not send away any...having no respect to persons as to those who stood in need." (Alma 1:30) - These people ...
-We need to be missionaries wherever we are to bring peace to those around us, and help them remember the plan our Father in Heaven has for us. "...the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men;"  -That is an interesting concept. It makes me wonder if while he was creating each of us if He thought of that and that he would suffer for each of His creations. Alma 1:12 this is the first time that priestcraft has been introduced among this people The term, priestcraft, is defined in 2 Ne 26:29 as the practice in which men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. -What kinds of priest craft is around us? How can we better notice it and recognize evils around us? Having the spirit with us, being worthy of the spirit is a key part to it. We need to have the spirit so that the Lord can help us to better understand what is needed and can tell us what we should...
The Sons of Mosiah were asked to go preach the gospel unto the Lamanites (their enemy). That would be a scary task knowing how much the people you were supposed to convert hated you and wanted you dead. And yet you wanted to obey God and do as He asks. They would have to have had a lot of Faith not only in their father but in their Heavenly Father to keep them safe and allow everything to go okay. Satan tries to influence Gods people and to get wicked leaders in leadership so that he can better bring our his plan. It's amazing though that we forget sometimes that really our Father in Heaven is in charge and regardless of who is in leadership no one can do anything contrary to God's will without some kind of punishment. God has his plan and it will be executed to bring good to His people. God blesses us as He sees fit, we must keep doing as He asks and continuously be looking for and recognizing the blessings He gives us each day, especially the days it's harder to not...
-We are commanded many times throughout the scriptures to repent and change our lives. We were given the perfect example to follow of our Savior Jesus Christ. But we can't do any of this without help from our Savior and our Heavenly Father. We must ask them for help and change in order to be more like God. - Mosiah 27:36-37 is a good way to live our lives bringing others unto Christ and being instruments in God's hand as missionaries. It is such a blessing to have so many programs within the church that bring much good to the world. Blessing- I only have three more days of work.
-We need to pray unto the Lord in order for us to receive answers and revelation. It is commanded of us to pray unto God and to do as He has asked of us. He also asks us to hear His words, hearing His words is more than just reading the scriptures, it's truly doing as they say and changing our hearts to be more like Him. -Christ is asking us to join His church, in essence, He is asking us to; repent and come unto Him. Mosiah 26:24 "if they know me they shall...have a place eternally at my right hand" -Do I know Christ? Do I truly know His character and that He loves me? In the 26:31 it says "And ye shall also forgive one another your trespasses; We must forgive those who have done wrong to us. I am going through that right now. I have been in need of Christ to help me forgive someone and to not be so upset about things they have done to me in that and things they continue to do. I can't do it alone I must have Christ help me along the path. Blessing: M...
Mosiah 24:11-12 whosoever should be found calling upon God should be put to death Amulon must have been the servant of Satan, for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray (2 Ne 32:8).* Thomas S. Monson said, "Remember that this work is not yours and mine alone. It is the Lord's work, and when we are on the Lord's errand, we are entitled to the Lord's help. Remember that the Lord will shape the back to bear the burden placed upon it." (Ensign, May 1992, p. 48 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 229)* Family is important, it is important to have a mother and a father who raise and nurture their children in a loving environment. I love this quote by President Faust; James E. Faust said "In the past twenty years, as homes and families have struggled to stay intact, sociological studies reveal this alarming fact: much of the crime and many of the behavi...
" no one to be your teacher nor your minister, except he be a man of God, walking in his ways and keeping his commandments." (Mosiah 23:14) -Then we many ask, how can we know if our leader is a just man? The answer to this is prayer. We can pray to know and get a confirmation that they are called of God. Mosiah 23:21 the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith Howard W. Hunter said "Mormon surely knew that no pain we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God." (Ensign, Nov. 1987, p. 60 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Dougl...
Elder said, "When we explain a problem and a proposed solution, sometimes He answers yes, sometimes no. Often He withholds an answer, not for lack of concern, but because He loves us—perfectly. He wants us to apply truths He has given us. For us to grow, we need to trust our ability to make correct decisions. We need to do what we feel is right. In time, He will answer. He will not fail us." "I have described the absolute reality of our relationship with our Father. There is nothing about us He does not know. He is conscious of our every need and could provide all of the answers. Yet, because His purpose is our eternal happiness, He encourages us to make the correct choices." "Ask in faith means ask in confidence" It says in Mosiah 21:15, "the Lord did not see fit to deliver them our of bondage." Sometimes the Lord isn't going to answer our prayers the way we want them to be answered, we must seek His will not our own. Blessing- Th...
There were many who "came to the knowledge of their Redeemer;"  (Mosiah 18:30) -What are the best ways or what are ways we can come to a better knowledge of our Redeemer? How can we improve our relationship with Him? -I think it starts out with a desire to know Him and a willingness to change ourselves and our minds to know Him. Then we must study and search out the scriptures and other writings to better understand who He was. Knowing Christ a little better every day can really help and improve our own lives and help us have a greater desire to be like our Savior and Redeemer. Blessing: We don't have to worry about our city being taken over or armies of men coming in to destroy us. (But we must be ready with the armor or God to defeat Satan.)
Neal A. Maxwell said, "It is abundantly clear, therefore, that we have a duty to comfort others, to mourn with them, to serve them, and to help them. When there is so much to do to help others, there is little time for self-pity. We do not know all the details of the crosses others bear, but we know enough to understand that crosses are being borne valiantly. Moreover, the courage of others can be contagious." (If Thou Endure It Well, p. 94) We need to pray for and seek service opportunities in order to fully understand and do God's will. Baptism is for this life "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" (Romans 3:23) Blessing: God gives me the strength to do what is needed.
Hugh Nibley  "How do you scourge the skin with faggots, and what's the difference between scourge and scorch? They're the same word, the same word exactly. Scourge, scorch, scotch, score-it means to damage the skin of someone. Our word scratch is the same thing. And you have the very same thing in Semitic languages. Harash is the Hebrew word for scratch and for to plow. Harataha is the Arabic word for 'mar the surface, engrave, make a mark on something, or plow the ground.' They all have that same word that means 'to scorch, to scourge, to scratch.' When his skin started to curl up, in other words, he said this. It's interesting. The faggots are burning brands. They burn, and we think of scourging as with a scourge, as 'to scourge with a whip.' But they're the same word exactly. They scourged him and scorched him-in other words, he was being fried. It's not a comfortable way to die, either." (Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Lectu...
Alma is the only man who believes Abinadi and is converted. But he is a great convert that goes about preaching to others and converts hundreds and hundreds of others. Alma is blessed to know and remember what Abinadi was teaching and so he writes it down for others to learn from. He risked his life for the gospel of Jesus Christ that Abinadi was trying to teach and convert others too, and was the only convert who converted many. Abinadi is a great example of doing what is right isn't always the easiest option, but it 's the right one. Christ and Abinadi were both wrongly accused and wrongly put to death. This shows how important it is to stand for what we believe. Blessing: My life has never been in serious danger when testifying of Christ.
"He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that i endless, that can never be darkened;" (Mosiah 16:9) We have been given a perfect light to follow in order to return to our Father in Heaven, all we have to do is do as commanded and be obedient to the commandments. Christ is the light and the life of the world. We can't live without the son or the sun because of the light it gives and the energy for life it provides. I like these quotes Joseph F. Smith "But the thing for us to do is to live according to the light and intelligence that God has revealed to us in this dispensation, that we may be in harmony with the heavenly powers and with heavenly beings, and especially with our Lord Jesus Christ, who stands at our head, who is our lawgiver, our exemplar, and the way of life and salvation to all the world, through whom we may enter into the celestial kingdom of God, and without whom we can never enter that state of glory worlds without end. He is...
There are many times the Prophets have testified of the Second coming and of living the gospel of Jesus Christ in order to prepare our hearts and minds. If we don't listen to their counsel and their teachings and allow them into our hearts and minds and change the ways we are thinking we will not be saved in the last day. I think way too many people think they are doing okay by going to church every once in a while, praying when they are going through a trial, reading the word of God when they have a question and they don't do it every single day. Thank heavens for the Gospel, for the Fall and for the Atonement so that we could both learn and grow from our experiences on this earth but also that we might be saved from the mistakes we make. If it weren't for Adam and Eve we would never know good from evil, nor would we be on earth (they would probably still be in the garden), and we also needed the Atonement because after the fall we could make mistakes and sin so we need...
I got thinking about the gospel and what if all of this was a lie, someone made it all up? I decided, you know if it is it's a good lie, it is making people change and become better for it. Even if we didn't receive blessings from God but it was all luck and because of what others did, believing in something is good enough for me. But I do know it's not a lie, I am a witness of the truthfulness of this Gospel. I know fist hand it's true and I wouldn't deny it for anything. I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who cares for me and watches over me, and blesses me especially when I don't deserve it. The Prophets of God are called to "publish peace" and bring us to God and his gospel. There are also many who have published salvation. James E. Talmage said "Two general resurrections are mentioned in the scriptures, and these may be specified as first and final, or as the resurrection of the just and the resurrection of the unjust. The fir...
Christs will was "swallowed up in the will of the Father." (Mosiah 15:7) Christ was so obedient and understood God and His plan so perfectly that he was willing to do all Heavenly Father wanted him to do to complete His mission on this earth. Neal A. Maxwell said, "It was all made possible by the Savior's splendid submissiveness. He did voluntarily what He was not forced to do; it was something no other child of God could do! 'There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin' (Hymns no. 194). 'Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father' (Mosiah 15:7). The imagery and theology of this verse tell us that Jesus was totally, perfectly, and fully consecrated. "Being 'swallowed up' means being totally enveloped-without question, protest, reservation, or resentment. It is 'all the way,' not halfway. Choosi...
I like this, it's a different view and way to look at the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Mosiah 14:10 yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him "Obviously God was not pleased with the way men treated Jesus, but he was pleased with his son's 'offering for sin'. The Atonement met the strictest demands of God's innate justice and made forgiveness and mercy possible on certain terms. "Elder Melvin J. Ballard explained why it pleased God not to interfere: 'In that hour I think I can see our dear Father behind the veil looking upon these dying struggles until even He could not endure it any longer; and, like the mother who bids farewell to her dying child, has to be taken out of the room, so as not to look upon the last struggles, so He bowed his head, and hid in some part of his universe, his great heart almost breaking for the love that He had for his Son. Oh, in that moment when He might have saved his Son, I thank him and praise him that He did not fail us...
OPPRESS'ED, participle passive burdened with unreasonable impositions; overpowered; overburdened; depressed. AFFLICT'ED, participle passive Affected with continued or often repeated pain, either of body or mind; suffering grief or distress, of any kind; followed by at, by or with; as, afflicted at the loss of a child, by the rheumatism, or with losses. "he should bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, and that he, himself, should be oppressed and aflicted." (Mosiah 13:35) Mosiah 14:3 despised and rejected of men James E. Talmage "Isaiah was permitted to read the scroll of futurity as to many distinguishing conditions to attend the Messiah's lowly life and atoning death. In Him the prophet saw One who would be despised and rejected of men, a Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief, One to be wounded and bruised for the transgressions of the race, on whom would be laid the iniquity of us all -- a patient and willing Sacrifice, silent under afflicti...
The wicked people aren't able to understand the scriptures because they don't live their lives in a way that the Spirit is able to talk to them and reveal needed truth. It also says  Mosiah 12:27, "ye have not applied your hearts to understanding;"  or in other words you have not applied your lives to living the things you have read and understand. Mark E. Petersen "God will not favor us if we put him in second place in our lives and if we follow after worldly things regardless of what they may be. The command of the Savior was: 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.' (Matthew 6:33). In revelations to the Prophet Joseph Smith the Lord taught that we must have an eye single to the glory of God." (Old Testament Institute Manual, p. 127)* "Touch me not, for God shall smite you if ye lay your hands on me,"  Elder Cree-L Kofford said, "...having been confounded by the word of God's servant and following the...