2 Nephi 9:31-32 it warns those who are deaf and blind to not be or they will perish. It is talking about those who are spiritually blind and deaf. I think often times we are blind and deaf to the things we don't want to hear because we don't want to change our ways.

S.M.I.L.E. = Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal:

What does it mean to be spiritually minded? And what do I need to improve in my own life to be more spiritually minded?

I think to try to have an eternal perspective is a great way to be spiritually minded, although hard not impossible.

2 Ne 9:41 the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel

There is no way into the celestial kingdom except through gate make available by the atonement of Jesus Christ. He is the keeper of the gate. He will only open the gate to those who knock, And whoso knocketh, to him will he open (v. 42).

Brigham Young

"Let me give you a definition in brief. Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy Priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell." (Discourses of Brigham Young, compiled by John A. Widstoe, p. 416)

We must go back to the temple more often so that we are ready to see Christ at the gate and know who He is.

"my soul abhorreth sin, and my heart delighteth in righteousness;" (2 Nephi 9:49)
What would it take to abhorreth sin to only seek righteousness and do righteous acts?

"pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night." (2 Nephi 9:52)
I think the best thing we can do to accomplish this is to watch our actions and make sure they line up with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Blessing: I caught the rabbit that was eating my garden.


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