2 Ne 15:2 planted it with the choicest vine

The house of Israel became the covenant people of the Lord because of the faith of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 'For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith' (Rom 4:13). Abraham was favored of the Lord for his righteousness and faith. He could be considered 'the choicest vine' which the Lord planted in his vineyard, for Abraham was both choices and chosen (Abr. 3:23).

-It talks about the vineyard and being able to do more to keep it growing. It's interesting because the last couple weeks I've been trying to decide what I need to do more? How can we improve our lives to follow more closely in the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ?

Isaiah sees our day and doesn't know how to explain it I think that is why Isaiah is so confusing and it takes me like a week to get through one of his chapters.

Blessing: We have gotten a lot of rain that is helping my garden.


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