Christ is described as the Father in 2 Nephi 25:12; He is usually described as the Son or the Redeemer of the world, things like that but what is He the father of? To our knowledge, He didn't have children.

Neal A. Maxwell said,

"Jesus is even described as the Father because he is the Father-Creator of this and other worlds. Furthermore, he is the Father of all who are born again spiritually. When we take upon ourselves his name and covenant to keep his commandments, we then become his sons and daughters, 'the children of Christ.' Additionally, since he and the Father are one in attributes and in purpose, Jesus acts for the Father through divine investiture, sometimes speaking as the Father." (Mosiah, Salvation Only Through Christ, ed. By Nyman and Tate, pp. 5-6 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 62)

How well and what am I doing to better believe in Christ my Redeemer? What signs do people look for today to have in order to believe in our Savior and Redeemer?

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Heber J. Grant said,

"Truly a great and marvelous work has come forth and been proclaimed in every land and in every clime all over the wide world. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored--by a personal visitation of the apostles Peter, James and John, laying their hands upon the heads of Oliver Cowdery and the Prophet Joseph Smith and ordaining them to the apostleship; by a personal visitation of John the Baptist, who baptized the Savior, laying his hands upon Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith and ordaining them to the Aaronic, or the lesser priesthood--the gospel is again restored to the earth, with the power and authority that existed in the days of the Savior. Millions of dollars in money have been expended for erecting and maintaining temples wherein ordinances are performed for the salvation of those who have died without a knowledge of the gospel. All these things bear witness of the inspiration of God to that man Joseph Smith, when he delivered this statement in a revelation to his father, that a great and a marvelous work was about to come forth among the children of men." (Conference Report, Apr. 1920, p. 4)

It's important to be truly thankful for the many sacrifices and events that have taken place in order to gain a true appreciation of them.

Blessing: I'm thankful for the continuous knowledge I'm able to gain as I study the scriptures and listen to our church leaders.


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