(2 Nephi 28:5)
-I don't understand how men can take it upon themselves to say what God would have them or not have them do especially when it is contrary to what has happened through God in the past. They claim to be the right church or religion and yet they don't get their power or authority from anyone but themselves.

"the things which shall be written out of the book shall be or great worth unto the children of men." (2 Nephi 28:2)  Talking about The Book of Mormon.
We should cherish this book and try to better understand it every single day in order to apply it to our lives.

I love these verses mostly because I grew up in this day and was able to experience and truly learn for myself the building up of churches. I believe though that most of them are truly trying to do what God wants them to do they are just missing out on realizing that God has already spoken to His children and is still talking to us because of Joseph Smith's first prayer and his dedication to carrying out God's plan for us.

Blessing: I am able to read my scriptures every morning.


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