2 Nephi 31:3
Our Heavenly Father will not give us scriptures that we don't understand if we need to know. He will give us the understanding and the knowledge we need to better follow His words.

If our Savior Jesus Christ got baptized to be an example and to "fulfill all righteousness" and we need to be following His footsteps in order to return to live with God, how much more do we need to be baptized.  Partaking of the sacrament each week is part of the process, being worthy to do so and to submit our will to the Fathers.

8/7/16 ponderize scripture - 2nd Nephi 31:5:
(2 Nephi 31:10) "...can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?"
"follow me nad do the things which ye have seen me do." (2 Nephi 31:12)

vs 13
 Joseph Smith

"You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half-that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 366 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 166)

-I love this quote by Joseph Smith. It shows the importance of doing ordinances in the right order and with the correct authority.

We need to feast upon the words of Christ not just taste them or try them out. But truly dive into His word and to go with that we must allow it to become us, make us who we are. Which includes following our Savior's example and becoming more like Him every single day.

Blessing: I'm thankful for the example we have to follow of our Savior Jesus Christ.


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