Ether is amazing. I love this book. They have so much faith to build the barges, and do so according to what the Lord has asked. The end of Chapter 2 the Lord asks the brother of Jared what he wants him to do to fix the problem of no light in the barges.he is helping him make decisions on his own and think of  a solution to the problem. He does that for us all the time instead of just giving us the answer which would probably be the easiest way for both of us. He makes us think and come up with a solution of our own.
Faith is a hard thing to obtain, the brother of Jared though had so much faith he saw the finger of the Lord. How can I gain better faith instead of always doubting that He is here, with me, helping me every step of the way?
 David B. Haight in April 1994 General conference spoke of Either 3:14 and said, "As members of His restored church, it is imperative that we do our utmost to expand our understanding of His premortal commission. His earthly ministry, His unjust crucifixion, and agony of His suffering. HIs final sacrifice, and HIs resurrection. Each of us is profoundly in debted to Him, for we were purchased by the shedding of His own precious blood. We are surely obligated to follow his admonition, to believe on His name, and to testify of Him and His word."

That is a very strong and powerful testimony. It's important to remember these things and take them to heart as we make our own daily decisions.

Blessing: That I finished my internship yesterday and I can focus on my classes now.


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