Ether 12:27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

In regards to this scripture President Uchtdorf said in his talk 'It Works Wonderfully',
"Sometimes we feel discouraged because we are not “more” of something—more spiritual, respected, intelligent, healthy, rich, friendly, or capable. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve. God created us to grow and progress. But remember, our weaknesses can help us to be humble and turn us to Christ, who will “make weak things become strong.”4Satan, on the other hand, uses our weaknesses to the point that we are discouraged from even trying.
I learned in my life that we don’t need to be “more” of anything to start to become the person God intended us to become.
God will take you as you are at this very moment and begin to work with you. All you need is a willing heart, a desire to believe, and trust in the Lord."
I think this is so important to remember although hard at times. It's hard to have weaknesses and to live with them, but I think it's important to humble ourselves and turn to God as well. It also makes life a little easier if we don't compare our weaknesses to others strengths. Which I think we do a lot. 
Blessing: I am doing pretty good in all of my classes so far this semester. 


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