Ether 13:12 "And when these things come, bringeth to pass the scripture which saith, there are they who were first who shall be last; and there are they who were last, who shall be first."
In the gospel those who are last to recieve it will get glory first and those who recieved it first shall be last.
It's interesting being a return missionary because I think of my investigators on my mission and how much they mean to me and often wonder why they couldn't have been born in the covenant and had the gospel their entire lifes? But there is a reason for everything. I believe there were things they had to learn and go through before they were able to recieve the gospel into their lives and hearts. I am so thankful I was able to be a small part in guiding them to Christ.
Blessing: I'm thankful that I am not sick a lot, because when I am I don't want to do anything.


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