
Showing posts from October, 2015
1 Nephi 3:6 " I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded. " That has been on my mind a lot today since I'm here in SLC at the "World Congress of Families". I went to class today and it really inspired me to figure out what I need to do to help the kingdom of God. I need to figure out how to take my talents and make them into an instrument that God can work with to fulfill His purpose. I really do what to make an impact on the world as far as families go but I need guidance and help to know where to start. Then that same scripture says "he shall prepare a way for them that they may be accomplished..." I have to have the desire and the willingness to obey and follow the spirit as it directs me. Nephi and his brother had to try more than once and more than one tactic to get the plates from Laban in order to achieve their goal. We shouldn't expect everything to work out the way or even in the timing we want it to. Blessing: That I was...
we need to "be like unto (a) river, continuously running into the foundation of all righteousness!" and also "like unto (the) valley, firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord!" We need to have a desire and act on it in order to have a relationship with our Father in Heaven and be able to recognize His spirit in order to communicate with Him. It's interesting that Lehi goes into his tent to speak with God but Nephi is outside and enters his father's tent after speaking with God. Blessing: I'm able to go to this conference and I've been albe to get a lot of homework done this week.
How can I improve my prayers? In 1 Nephi 1:5 it says that Lehi prayed "with all his heart"  I feel like often we don't pray like that unless we want something really bad. How often do we pray like that when we are just thanking our Father in Heaven for things? Those who hear the Words of God and aren't living their lives right often get mad and think the deliverer is wicked and possessed of the Devil or something. It's sad, but happening all the time. Satan makes good look bad and bad look good, so how do we compete with that? What can we do to help changed the hearts of the people? Prophets and apostles are always warning the people and they don't want to listen.
In Moroni 10:3 it talks about reading The Book of Mormon in the wisdom of God and the teaching inside. It's important to remember that Heavenly Father had a plan before we were even sent down here. (Moroni 10:4) Invitation to action: And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." That is a very powerful scripture. It is the promise from our Father in Heaven that we can come to know that The Book of Mormon is truly the word of God. Verses 9-17 is talking about gifts that we are given or can be given. I wonder what qualifies us for gifts beyond obedience? I got on this morning during my reading and saw this video. It is really goo...
Moroni 8:16 "perfect love casteth out all fear." The remission of sins bringeth meekness,  and lowliness of heart, and because of lowliness of heart cometh visitation of the Holy Ghost, which comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God." I love it when the Holy Ghost is referred to as the comforter. Women need to be chaste and virtuous (Moroni 9:9) How can I be more like that? Moroni asks his sons to " be faithful in Christ " How can I do that? What do I need to do in my life to change to be more faithful in Christ in my own life? Blessing: God knows exactly what I need in my life and when I need it. I just need to have more faith in Him and His timing in my life.
Moroni 7:5 " by their works ye shall know them; for if their works be good, then they are good also ." 7:13 "... that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God ." When I am living a righteous life I am doing the Fathers will. I need to always strive for that even when times are hard. 7:19 "search diligently in the light of Christ... " How can I better search for the light of Christ in order to have it in my life continuously and be able to find happiness in all things? What can I do in my life to feel like I am on the right path and that I am doing the Fathers will and what I need to be doing right now in my life? (7:26 and 31) " And as surely as Christ liveth ...bear testimony of him. " (7:33) "And Christ hath said, "If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is exped...
Moroni 2:2 "Ye shall call on the Father in my name, in mighty prayer; and after ye have done this ye shall have power that to him upon whom ye shall lay your hands, ye shall give the Holy Ghost; and in my name shall ye give it, for this do mine apostates." Wow! That is some amazing power Heavenly Father is willing to give to His children in order to fulfill his purpose. We need to have faith in order to recieve blessings and for God to work through is to fulfill his work. In the sacrament prayer there are a lot of things we need to remember. (Moroni 4:3, 5:2) We promise to take His name upon ourselves,  always remember Christ, and keep His commandments. And We are promised that we will always have His spirit to be with us if we do that. I think we get the better end of the deal .  We promise we will witness and always remember him also. Being a witness is more then just having a testimony of our own we need to live it and show others we believe by our words and actio...
Ether 13:12 "And when these things come, bringeth to pass the scripture which saith, there are they who were first who shall be last; and there are they who were last, who shall be first." In the gospel those who are last to recieve it will get glory first and those who recieved it first shall be last. It's interesting being a return missionary because I think of my investigators on my mission and how much they mean to me and often wonder why they couldn't have been born in the covenant and had the gospel their entire lifes? But there is a reason for everything. I believe there were things they had to learn and go through before they were able to recieve the gospel into their lives and hearts. I am so thankful I was able to be a small part in guiding them to Christ. Blessing: I'm thankful that I am not sick a lot, because when I am I don't want to do anything.
 Ether 12: 27  And if men come unto me I will show unto them their  weakness . I  give  unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my  grace  is sufficient for all men that  humble  themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make  weak  things become strong unto them. In regards to this scripture President Uchtdorf said in his talk 'It Works Wonderfully', "Sometimes we feel discouraged because we are not “more” of something—more spiritual, respected, intelligent, healthy, rich, friendly, or capable. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve. God created us to grow and progress. But remember, our weaknesses can help us to be humble and turn us to Christ, who will “make weak things become strong.” 4 Satan, on the other hand, uses our weaknesses to the point that we are discouraged from even trying. I learned in my life that we don’t need to be “more” of an...
Coriantumr said, " by faith all things are fulfilled ."(12:3) also " hope cometh of faith...  We need to be steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God ." (Ether 12:4) FAITH (Ether 12:6) " Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; receive no witness until after the trial of your faith ." (Ether 12:6) Faith is a continuous process we can't just wake up one morning and have faith. Faith is hard too. Blessing: That I am doing well in my science class with the help of my Heavenly Father.
"the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they many be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the foundation of all righteousness and be saved." (Ether 8:26) Everyone is persuaded to do good but it in on their own heads if they do so continually. It's interesting reading the scriptures because God blesses those who are righteous and allows them to prosper but when they aren't righteous they have a hard time you would think that they would be righteous all the time. But I guess we can compare it to today. We don't always get the blessings we want when we want them or at all and so sometimes it hard to be righteous continually. But Satan will help us to feel gratification in our sins for a short time and we don't have to wait for that "happiness". It's interesting though because I feel like in life if we wait we get greater blessings and things because of our patience then...
So Orihah was anointed the new king over the people and it says he " did walk humbly before the Lord and did remember how great things the Lord had done for his father, and also taught his people how great things the Lord had done for their father. " (Ether 6:30) What a good example. We should all remember the great things the Lord does for us and teach it to those we know. I feel I'm not thankful enough for the things I have ai always want something more. It's something I need to work on. it is important to have righteous leaders to lead their people to follow the Savior.When we don't have righteous leaders people make decisions against the Laws of God. People need to understand the consequences of people who contradict the Laws of God. His laws aren't there to keep us from doing anything but to protect us and keep us on the straight and narrow path. 
Ether 4:9 is a good reminder to all of us of the power and authority that our Savior has. He can do mighty miracles and also bless and be a part of our lives each day. Ether 4:12, "And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me. I am the same that leadeth men to all good;" If I am doing good, it is following my Saviors perfect example. "And blessed is he that is found faithful unto my name at the last day, for he shall be lifted up to dwell in the kingdom prepared for him from the foundation of the world." Ether 4:19 We must be faithful until the end and then we can enter into His kingdom. Blessing: I'm thankful for Aubree and our friendship. She is so fun to talk to, really cares and is a great friend.
"he had faith no longer, for he knew, nothing doubting." Wow!!! What would that be like? I wish I knew. I have faith and someday's it's stronger and more prevalent than others. What would it be like to not doubt? I feel like sometimes trials make me doubt because I'm not strong. I mean I know and have a testimony that God is there but sometimes He isn't there like we want Him to be. Sometimes I don't want to hear that answer He has for me so I don't listen. It's hard today though when there is so much controversy and everyone is so anti-Christ and God to ALWAYS have faith. How can I better understand God's plan for me and gain a better relationship with Him? Blessing: I was able to listen to the amazing strong leaders of the church this weekend. I am so thankful for them and their dedication especially at such a hard time of the world as this. I love them!!!
Ether is amazing. I love this book. They have so much faith to build the barges, and do so according to what the Lord has asked. The end of Chapter 2 the Lord asks the brother of Jared what he wants him to do to fix the problem of no light in the barges.he is helping him make decisions on his own and think of  a solution to the problem. He does that for us all the time instead of just giving us the answer which would probably be the easiest way for both of us. He makes us think and come up with a solution of our own. Faith is a hard thing to obtain, the brother of Jared though had so much faith he saw the finger of the Lord. How can I gain better faith instead of always doubting that He is here, with me, helping me every step of the way?   David B. Haight in April 1994 General conference spoke of Either 3:14 and said, "As members of His restored church, it is imperative that we do our utmost to expand our understanding of His premortal commission. His earthly ministry, ...
Jared said unto his brothers, "let us be faithful unto the Lord"   What does it take to be faithful? FA'ITHFUL ,   adjective 1.  Firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion. Be thou  faithful  unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.  Revelation 2:10 . I need to be more faithful to my God, my religion, my family, and my friends. The brother of Jared is directed by the Lord. How can I always be steadfast and immovable in order to be directed by the Lord all my life? Blessing: My Student Aid was processed today and I got more than expected.