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"The Reason for Hope" by Elder Packer
I need to have greater hope and Faith in God's plan for me it is so easy to get discouraged when things don't go right, or the way you want them to go. Our Father in Heaven has a better plan for us we just have to learn to trust Him. The hardest times to trust is when things aren't going as you planned them. Which is usually the case in this life anyways.  Realizing that there is more to life then what we can even imaging or dream up and He knows what is right for each of us. It is hard to comprehend that He knows what is right for every person at every second in their lives and is there to give us what we need in order to return to live with Him again. I am so thankful for His plan and that He knows what I need so that when others don't like what I'm doing or the decisions I'm making I can know for sure that it is what God has in store for me and that He is in charge.

Blessing: That I have Adam as my friend that I get to talk to every night


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