Alma states in chapter 41 that the person we are here on earth is the same person we are going to be in heaven. Having a desire for righteousness is the first step to repentance and changing ourselves to become like God. "Wickedness never was happiness." Alma 41:10 regardless of how much happiness is portrayed in the world today they are never going to be as happy as those of us who are obeying God and trying our best to become better individuals by following our Saviors example.
I remember at times getting frustrated with things that we deal with in this world like weeds and saying well if Adam wouldn't have partaken of the fruit we wouldn't have weeds. What I didn't take into consideration until I got older was if he wouldn't have partaken of the fruit none of us would be here. It is a blessing to be here to gain experience and to learn from the things we go through and from others we have the privilege of meeting. "The great plan of salvation would have been frustrated." if Adam wouldn't have partaken of the fruit. They wouldn't have progressed and we wouldn't have had an Atonement.
Because God is "a perfect, just God, and a merciful God also." We are able to return to him despite our falsies and our shortcomings because of His great plan of Salvation. The Atonement is in place so that man can return back to the presence of God. Because of these great blessings that we have the opportunity to partake of we need to be missionaries all our lives to preach this truth to the world.
" are called of God to preach the word unto this people." Continuing to be a missionary and being that example are very important to the Plan of Salvation. As I do this my life and my testimony of The Great Plan of Happiness will increase.
Autumn-Bennett: YW: Why Do The Choices I Make Matter? 3R'S Of Choice (Plan of Salvation)
Blessing: The Plan of Salvation and despite my weaknesses and shortcomings I have the opportunity to return to live with my Father in Heaven again.


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