Alma 43:17-21
What would I wear if I was going to battle? What do I wear everyday to protect myself from the sins of the world. Do I dress modest?
I need to fight through life with "strength and courage" Alma 43:43 knowing that whatever happens it will all work out in the end and it is part of God's plan.
Live with faith so others can't destroy it. Alma 44:3 I need to continually be working on making my faith stronger and more powerful so that I can defend myself against the powers of the destroyer.
Live a righteous life having faith in our Father in Heaven and in the Savior of the world and everything will turn out. Regardless of how hard life is it could always be harder. Life wasn't to be enjoyed and easy it is a test and trials that we will go through to make us stronger in order to do the work we are sent to do.

5 Life Changing quotes shared in General Conference

So true!  I see the quote saying that "God only gives us what we can handle" SO often... But truthfully, no one has enough strength on their own to 'handle'  the big things in life.  He is the one who gives us hope and strength.  The most difficult circumstances aren't always given to 'strong' people, just as easy lives aren't always given to those who appear weak.
Blessing: I am able to read about the faith of others in the scriptures and how they concurred their trials in order to gain straightened for my own.


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