Heavenly Father doesn't solve our problems he has given us the tools that we need in order to solve them ourselves. Alma 58:11 says,
"Yea, and it came to past that the Lord our God did 1.visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that 2.he did speak peace to our souls, and did 3.grant us great faith, and did cause us that 4.we should hope for our deliverance in him."
-These ways are the ways that our Father in Heaven speaks to us and answers our prayers.
God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we want them, He answers them in the way we need them.
-It is important to remember the Lord God and the many things which He does for us. It is easy to get frustrated and upset when going through trials and hard times but that doesn't do anyone any good. It just makes making decisions that much harder. We need the spirit to be with us to help us and guide us through these hard times so why not live worthy for the spirit and for guidance instead of getting upset and turning away from the Lord?
Blessing- God speaks to us when we are ready to listen.
"Yea, and it came to past that the Lord our God did 1.visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that 2.he did speak peace to our souls, and did 3.grant us great faith, and did cause us that 4.we should hope for our deliverance in him."
-These ways are the ways that our Father in Heaven speaks to us and answers our prayers.
God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we want them, He answers them in the way we need them.
-It is important to remember the Lord God and the many things which He does for us. It is easy to get frustrated and upset when going through trials and hard times but that doesn't do anyone any good. It just makes making decisions that much harder. We need the spirit to be with us to help us and guide us through these hard times so why not live worthy for the spirit and for guidance instead of getting upset and turning away from the Lord?
Blessing- God speaks to us when we are ready to listen.
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