It's intersting reading these chapters in Helaman where these people know right from wrong and yet they often times choose to sin. There is a clear line between right and wrong and Satan is making everything a gray area. Things that 30 years ago we would have never thougth of as a problem are becomging a big problem now. Things like transgender bathrooms. Questions nobody has asked before in the history of time are being asked; like should we let the sexually confused do what they want?
We are letting Satan win the war if we give him the victory over a few battles. 

"Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their should with joy and consltation," (Helaman 3:35)

This is what we need to do is strengthen our faith, learn to rely on God and believe everything we are is because of Him, and give Him the glory like our Lord Jesus Christ did. When our faith is stengthened in Him it is easier to have that faith and humility in our Lord and God. I also believe we will be more willing to do our Father in Heavens will.

Blessing: I have a new home to live in.


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