It's interesting to me that throughout the scriptures the wicked always perish and the righteous are fortified. Well for the most part... and yet the wicked don't see that and turn to the good side. I think today there is so much wickedness that is shadowing the good that people don't notice it as much and therefore they stay where they are not knowing what happiness and greatness they are missing out on.
The wicked will never win, Satan even knows that at yet he keeps taking the agency of so many people all over the world. I think of people who are on disability or welfare because of circumstances they got themselves in and even that to me is allowing Satan to take control over us because our Father in Heaven can't use us if we aren't willing to get up and do His work.
"Get on your knees and pray for help, then get on your feet and go to work." Shei Dew
The wicked will never win, Satan even knows that at yet he keeps taking the agency of so many people all over the world. I think of people who are on disability or welfare because of circumstances they got themselves in and even that to me is allowing Satan to take control over us because our Father in Heaven can't use us if we aren't willing to get up and do His work.
"Get on your knees and pray for help, then get on your feet and go to work." Shei Dew
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