2 Nephi 31 Christ is our perfect example not only by words but by His actions. He lived a perfect life then He got baptized to set an example to us so that He could "fulfill all righteousness" (vs 6). Then He invited each of us to follow Him by saying, "Follow thou me."
Chapter 31:10 it is asked, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father? What Commandment do I have a hard time following?
We have been given commandments today from our leaders that we need to follow as well. New revelation given to us by our modern day Prophet is more applicable to our lives but we still need to follow the council and guidance given to us by ancient prophets. 
After having a witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel, we must stay true to our testimonies and continue to strengthen them through gospel, and the spirit.
"We must press forward feasting upon the words of Christ." 2 Nephi 31:20

Blessing: to have the gospel on earth and that I was born in the church and know the importance and have a desire to learn and understand it. 


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