Jacob 5 vs 22 I like this verse because it makes me think of each of us, His children, and the work He puts into working with us individually and doesn't give up on us even when we don't produce the best fruit sometimes. vs 27 The Lord doesn't give up on us when we aren't doing what He wants us to do. He helps us through the hard times, makes us stronger and welcomes us back into His arms. The Lord God does what it takes to be there for His people in every way. We need to be prepared and ready to listen to His guidance and counsel not only for our own lives but to continue His work on earth in all aspects of it. There is a great work that needs to be done and we need to be ready to work . Blessing- That God reveals things to me and tells me what I need to do in His own timing.
Showing posts from January, 2016
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Jacob 5 Our Father in Heavens plan takes work, we can't just sit back and watch things happen. This parable has a lot of symbolism. Joseph Fielding Smith said, "This parable in and of itself stamps the Book of Mormon with convincing truth. No mortal man, without the inspiration of the Lord, could have written such a parable." The Lord works hard and does a lot for His people that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Blessing- God's tender mercies, He continues to bless me even when I don't appreciate or acknowledge the blessings I receive like I should Interpretation/meaning of Jacob 5 The Vineyard The World Master of the vineyare Jesus Christ The servant The Lord’s prophets Tame olive tree The house of Israel, the Lord’s covenant people. Wild olive tree Gentiles, or non-Israel (later in the parable, wild branches are apostate Israel) Branches Groups of people The roots of the tame olive tree ...
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Which group of people am I trying to be? *The pure in heart recieving the pleasing word of God, or * the wicked evil sinners Sitting on the fence is harder today than it use to be. That fence is more obvious but not easy to stay on. Jacob 4:3 "Now in this thing we do rejoice; and we labor diligently to engraven these words upon plates, hoping that our beloved brethren and our children will recieve them with thankful hearts, and look upon them that they may learn with joy and not with sorrow, neither with contempt, concerning their first parents." We need to leave our testimonies for others especially the coming generations so that they know and understand the importance of knowing Christ and having a relationship with Him. When we know this we live our lives differently. Jacob 4:10 "Wherefore, brothern, seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand . For behold, ye yourselves know that the counseleth in wisdom , and in justice , and in great mercy...
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Teaching the Gospel to God children and laboring with all our might is a duty of those of us who have been blessing with the gospel in our lives. In what ways can we be more obedient today to God words? "Meeting the Challenges of Today's World" By Elder Robert D Hales 🔹Heavenly Father has promised that He will lead us. 🔹Put your trust in the spirit. 🔹Always be looking to gain more knowledge, " Education will prepare you for what is ahead, including marriage." 🔹"He has a plan for (me)." 🔹"If you want more then you on have, reach up, not across." 🔹personal council each week.
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2 Nephi 31 Christ is our perfect example not only by words but by His actions. He lived a perfect life then He got baptized to set an example to us so that He could "fulfill all righteousness" (vs 6). Then He invited each of us to follow Him by saying, "Follow thou me." Chapter 31:10 it is asked, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father? What Commandment do I have a hard time following? We have been given commandments today from our leaders that we need to follow as well. New revelation given to us by our modern day Prophet is more applicable to our lives but we still need to follow the council and guidance given to us by ancient prophets. After having a witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel, we must stay true to our testimonies and continue to strengthen them through gospel, and the spirit. "We must press forward feasting upon the words of Christ." 2 Nephi 31:20 Blessing: to have the gospel on e...
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Christ came into this world to perform the Atomement and to set an example for us to follow. He commands us to repent and to become like Him. Easier said then done but with His help we can. We can also live with Him and Heavenly Father again. God has a plan and knows what's going to happen. We need to choose a side, we can't sit on the fence anymore. "Who's on the Lords side, who!" We know who is going to win in the end but are we willing to sacrifice our agency and the natural man for things that we don't fully understand or can see?
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2 Nephi 25 Prophesies of Christ coming and atoning for our sins. He will come and die for us and suffer for our sins. Do I " worship the Father in his name, with pure (heart) and clean hands "? How can I do better at that? When I go to the temple or even to church and partake of the sacrament am I doing so for the purpose of the worship service or our of habit and not thinking much of it? 25:23 "For we labor diligently 1.to write, 2. to persuade our children, and also our brotheren, to believe in Christ to be reconciled to God; for we KNOW that it is by grace that we are saved, after all that we do ." That is a powerful scripture and has a lot to it. I love it because on my mission everyone thought that it was only through grace that we are saved. We are saved through grace, but we must do our part we can't just sit around and wait for the second coming to come and never progress or help others around us. Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and we ...
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Hellman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
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I need to think more like this; 2 Nephi 22:2 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song, he also has become my salvation." I need to be more grateful for the blessings I have in my life like my knowledge and understanding of the Gospel. God has given me everything I have maybe if I become more grateful for the things I have and stop complaining about that the things I have someday I'll get the things I want. Blessing: I didn't marry the guys in my life that wanted to marry me. I have learned a lot from dating.
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In 2 Nephi 17 verse 14 it talks about Mary bearing my Savior. I never realized how many times in the scriptures it talks about this event. I've heard it said but haven't studied it out that The Book of Mormon talks more about the Savior then the Holy Bible does, which is interesting. I love that my Savior Jesus Christ has a part in others lives that I read about as much in the days before He came as He does now that He is resurrected. I often hear people do you have faith that it won't happen. That's a hard question because we want our desired to happen and come into our lives. But I think having faith that maybe something we want won't happen is really a big step to giving our lives to Christ and submitting to His will and their plan for us. It is hard especially because so many people go through lives not getting the things they want the most but it will all be made clear to us one day why. Blessing: I have clothes to keep me warm on these cold winter days.
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The Jews crucified Christ. In 2 Nephi 10:3 is says, " there is none other nation on earth that would crucify their God." I believe there are people on earth that crusify Him everyday by their words and actions. Do I? In vs 16 it says, "for they who are not for me are against me," Very similar we must make sure our actions and words are for the right. We can't sit on the fence. Come to know Christ and understand Him. Blessing: I have some good guy friends (Jon and Camillo) that are amazing.
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" When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish. " (2 Nephi 9:28) Always be learned and listen to God and His spirit. Seek continuously for the counsel of God. " But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God ." (2 Nephi 9:29). " To be spiritually-minded is life eternal. " Vs 93 SMILE! 2 Nephi 9:52 " remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice ." Always have a relationships with Heavenly Father involve him in ever aspect of your life and THANK Him for all things. Blessing: God will answer you when you pray to Him for guidance and direction.
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Jesus Christ will show himself in the flesh and His own people with crucify him. (2 Nephi 6:9) "For the people of the Lord are they who wait for him; for they still wait for the coming of the Messiah ." (2 Nephi 6:13) Am I living my life in order to be ready for Christ and His second coming. What can I do better? How can I improve? "The Lord is near" (2 Nephi 7:8) * Learn to recognize His presence more often and when He is answering your prayers. Blessing: That I have been able to further my education.
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Keeping a positive attitude towards hardships and trials is imoartant. It will make them easier to go through. As we continue to obey God (2 Nephi 5:11) He will be with us. 2 Nephi 5:27 they "lived after the manner of happiness." What would that take? And how does one achieve that? In chapter 8 the Lord is asking us to: 1. Follow after righteousness, 2. Look into the Rock, 3. Trust in Him, 4. Hearken into Him, 5. Put on strength When Christ comes the people will have everlasting joy and holiness, and shall obtain gladness and joy. Christ will comfort me. Blessing: God has confidence in me and shows me His strength through myself. He is able to make me feel loved and needed.