So first off I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting today thinking and this thought came over me and I was overcome with gratitude...
When I am partaking of the sacrament with purpose all of my sins are forgiven me. Christ had to go through so much pain and suffering in order for me to be able to be forgiven of my sins to return to live with God.
Listening to the Spirit will help me to grow stronger and allow me to go through hard things and learn more from them.
I also need to: "Pray for the Strength to change."

It's hard sometimes to be grateful for things when going through trials and things that are hard. I also read in Mormon 2:14 that we are to go unto Christ with a broken heart and a contrite spirit which I think humility has a lot to do with that. Maybe if I do that then I will be more grateful for the things I have instead of thinking about and wanting the things I don't have.

Blessing: That I am able to do things like pay tithing in order for the Lord to be able to bless me. Like the scriptures say in Doctrine and Covenants "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say ye have no promise." God is bound to bless us if we are obedient.


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