I know without a shadow of a dought that The Book of Mormon is God's words revealed to His servants for each of us to read, learn from, and become closer to Him through. I know it changes lives. I've seen it, not only in my own life but others lives. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ is the grove. I've had my own witness of it and I can not deny it. I know he was a chosen man and prophet, translated the plates through the power of God and that He was chosen to Restore the Gospel in this dispensation. I know that God lives. I know that Christ is my Savior, that He died for me that I might live again with my Father in Heaven someday if I obey His commandments. I know that President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today that leads and guides the church. I know he and other leaders have direct revelation from God and that we can learn so much from them through the spirit. I also know that each of us is entitled to our own revelation and that if we pray and truly seek the wisdom of God He will be there to answer our prayers. I also know that through trials we can grow and become more like God. That although hard trials aren't here to break us but to make us stronger and more like Christ.
Simon Dewey (1962, English)...LDS Artist Pictures of Christ:      I love this.  It is hanging in our home.  It's by LDS artist, Simon Dewey.:


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