
Showing posts from September, 2015
We can "be found spotless, pure, fair, and white, having been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, at that great and last day." Because of the Savior. The Plan of Salvation: (Mormon 9:12-14) "Behold, he created Adam, and by Adam came t he fall of man . And because of the fall of man came Jesus Christ , even the Father and the Son; and because of Jesus Christ came the redemption of man . And because of the redemption of man, which came by Jesus Christ, they are brought back into the presence of the Lord; yea, this is wherein all man are redeemed, because the death of Christ bringeth to pass the resurrection, which bringeth to pass the redemption, from the endless sleep,... And then cometh the judgement of the Holy One upon them; and then cometh the time that he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is happy shall be happy still ; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still." Thinking about God's p...
In Mormon it's revealing that there will be "a day when the power of God shall be denied, and churches become defiled and be lifted up in the pride of their hearts", then later in that same chapter it says they "shall say: Come unto me, and for your money you shall be forgiven for your sins." It's crazy how true this is. There are so many churches that are this way. But if we think about it Christ was never paid for what He did in His ministry, His followers would serve Him but never pay Him. Mathew 7:15-16   15  ¶Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.   16  Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Blessing: I am so excited to do family history as my calling this semester and get closer to my Savior i a way I have never done before.
Mormon 8:4 is prophesied of in Mormon 5:12, it talks about hiding up the record in the earth. I really like verse 22 in chapter 8 it says, "For the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled." Wow! That's awesome then it goes on to say in a cross-reference to D&C 3:3 "Remember, remember that is is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men;" I really like that because I feel like a lot of people in this world blame things on God that aren't even His fault. If you make stupid decisions then you are bringing troubles onto yourself. Moroni speaks of our day, 8:28 " shall come in a day when the power of God shall be denied, and churches become deflied and be lifted up in the pride of their hearts;" then in vs 32, "Come unto me, and for your money you shall be forgiven of your sins." It also talks about "great pollutions upon the face of the earth;" which there i...
"ye must... repent of all your sins and iniquities, and believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, and that he was slain by the Jews, and by the power of the Father he hath risen again whereby he hath gained victory over the grave; and also in him is the sting of death swallowed up." (Mormon 7:5) There is a lot of things asked of us in this scripture: First it asks us to r epent of all of our sins and iniquities , by doing this we need to continue to become more like our Savior so that we don't repeat the same sin. The only way we can do this is through Christ and with His help to overcome the natural man. Second, we need to believe in Jesus Christ,  what does that mean to truly believe in Him? How does one live their lives differently when they believe?  I think that to believe takes a lot of faith and courage on our part. Especially because most of the things in the gospel that we believe in we can't see with our eyes or touch with our hands. The definiti...
God has His own timing for everything that is to come. Like when the Gospel was Restored to the earth, when the Book of Mormon was to comeforth. In Mormon 5:12 it talks about the Book of Mormon being brought forth from being "hid up unto the Lord that they may come forth in hs own due time."  Mormon 5:23, "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God?" I never noticed this verse before, I feel like it could have a lot of meanings: The Lord has His hand in our life and will always be there for us. The Lord has a work to do and will lead and guide those that are righteous to do His work. We do everything just about with our hands and so to be someones hands would take a lot of dedication and time.  This is talk by W. Craig Zwick was given in October 2003 he said, "Listen to the words of Mormon: 'Know ye not that ye are the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power?  Morm. 5:23 ) Hands are one of the symbolically expressive parts of the body. ...
I need to remember this when I get caught up in the fact that I'm not married. Mormon sais that he "had loved them, according to the love of God , which was in me, with all my heart;" Wow what would that take to love someone according the love of God? I would have to see each person as God sees them which I can't but I can love everyone for the person they are and remember that we all have trials and tribulations that we are going through and we need to help each other get through this life. We will all be judged at the judgement seat of Christ. We all know this but am I ready? Do I have a good enough relationship with God? Am I living my life the way I need to and should be? (Mormon 3:20) In talking about the coming forth of The Book of Mormon it says, "they shall come forth according to the commandments of the Lord, when he shall see fit, in his wisdom." So is it with things in our lives, when something is suppose to happen it will when God see's...
So first off I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting today thinking and this thought came over me and I was overcome with gratitude... When I am partaking of the sacrament with purpose all of my sins are forgiven me. Christ had to go through so much pain and suffering in order for me to be able to be forgiven of my sins to return to live with God. Listening to the Spirit will help me to grow stronger and allow me to go through hard things and learn more from them. I also need to: "Pray for the Strength to change." It's hard sometimes to be grateful for things when going through trials and things that are hard. I also read in Mormon 2:14 that we are to go unto Christ with a broken heart and a contrite spirit which I think humility has a lot to do with that. Maybe if I do that then I will be more grateful for the things I have instead of thinking about and wanting the things I don't have. Blessing: That I am able to do things like pay tithing in order for the Lord to ...
"...there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people." (4 Nephi 1:15) Wow! What would it take for people to feel the love of God so much that there was not contention today? I feel like there is so much wickedness that it would be very hard to accomplish.  Then it says in verse 16, "surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God " I wanna be that happy.  Then in Mormon they are at war again, with unbelief, wickedness and doing basically what they want to do. It makes me think of the world today with gay marriage, abortions, and so many other wicked wrong things that Satan is making to look good or okay at least. It makes me sick to think what's next. What could possibly happen now? How bad does it have to get before Christ will come again and save us? Nobody knows but we must be ready. What are we doing to be ready for that day? I don't...
The three Nephites get to be missionaries until Christ comes again. That would be both amazing and discouraging as they were trying to teach people and even viewing the wicked world of today. I often think of my time as a missionary and wish I would have done more, wish I would have worked harder, talked to more people, or been a better example. How can I do better today? Blessing: that I've been able to get a lot of homework and things done even though I haven't felt very well.
3 Nephi 26:9 talks about trying our faith and believing. It says, "And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall so be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them."  So we first need to have our faith tried, then if we believe we will receive more revelation. Why are there things that happened that can't be written? Are we not ready to hear them in this dispensation? It often says that they weren't able or were commanded not to write certain things in the scriptures but what is the reason? How can I better myself in order to someday understand the things that God is saving for us to know later on?  3 Nephi 26:18 it says, " And many of them saw and heard unspeakable things, which are not lawful to be written."  "...they did do all things even as Jesus had commanded them." Wow! I need to be more obedient. It makes me ...
"with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer" (3 Nephi 22:8)  God asks us to pay our tithing, when we do not we are robbing God of things that are already His. He owns everything and by not paying him back 10% we are not allowing us to bless us. Heavenly Father doesn't need our money it is a way for Him to bless us when we are obedient. Blessing: God gives us opportunities and ways in order to obey Him to receive blessings like paying our tithing. 
I know without a shadow of a dought that The Book of Mormon is God's words revealed to His servants for each of us to read, learn from, and become closer to Him through. I know it changes lives. I've seen it, not only in my own life but others lives. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ is the grove. I've had my own witness of it and I can not deny it. I know he was a chosen man and prophet, translated the plates through the power of God and that He was chosen to Restore the Gospel in this dispensation. I know that God lives. I know that Christ is my Savior, that He died for me that I might live again with my Father in Heaven someday if I obey His commandments. I know that President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today that leads and guides the church. I know he and other leaders have direct revelation from God and that we can learn so much from them through the spirit. I also know that each of us is entitled to our own revelation and th...
God is blessing us each and every day. It is important to pray to recognize the blessings He is giving us. When we recognize our blessings we can thank God for them and we are more greatful and more willing to give. We also live a happier life. I know a lot of times when I'm going through a hard time if I just start recognizing my blessings the hard thing I'm going through doesn't seem like that hard anymore. Becoming thankful is a good way to humility. Blessing: I was able to work this last week and get money for school to finish up my schooling at BYU-Idaho.
Wow in reading about Christs ministery to the Americans it's amazing. I wish I could have faith and witness miracles. I'm so thankful for the perfect example he set for us to follow in this life. I need to serve others and not focus so much on myself. In 18:15 it says, " ye must watch and pray always, lest ye be tempted by the devil, and ye be led away captive by him."  I think Satan has his own ways of doing this with us each individually. We all struggle and he can make us fill like wee aren't good or that we aren't doing what we are suppose to when we doing get things and others do.  It also says though that "whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."  Are there exemptions to this rule? "Hold up your light that it may shine into the world."  How can I be a better example? Am I doing all I can? 
Christ says in 3 Nephi15:24 " have both heard my voice, and seen me; and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me." What does it taken in our lives to hear his voice? What do we need to be doing? Decication to Him and to His gospel is a big one that is not hard especially when we are going through trials.  In 16:7 it says taking about these later days, " tha latter day shall the truth come unto the Gentiles, that the fullness of these things shall be made known into them. He is talking about now, since Joseph Smith came and restored the Gospel. 
3 Nephi 15:17 I used this scripture a lot on my mission to help others understand that the Bible and The Book of Mormon work hand in hand together to testify of Christ. I love this video:
God knows us each so perfectly that he knows what we need even in the scriptures it says, "for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him." (3 Nephi 13:8)  Wow! What a blessing. If week "seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (3N. 13:33) God will give us all that we need if we seek Him and desire to live with Him again. So we need to live our lives likewise and follow the example our Savior put for us. "(13:7) "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be open unto you." (7:7) We must act though we can't just sit around and wait for answers to our prayers and for our lives to go perfectly how we want them to. "For everyone that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." (3Nephi 13:8)  The scriptures say that God will give good gifts to those who ask of him. We nee...