In reading in Alma 57 today i found it interesting that it says," They did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness;" Wow how different would our lives be if we were exactly obedient? What kinds of blessings could we see in our own lives and in the lives of loved ones. That would take a lot of FAITH. I often feel like if I haven't see eveidence of something then it's not going to happen or it isn't there. I need to work on my own faith in Christ and in His plan for me.
"Whosoever did not doubt,...and they do put their trust in God continually."
What would that be like to never doubt. I doubt every single day, some days multiple times a day. I believe everything happens for a reason but sometimes it is hard to accept the reasons when we don't see them or understand them. But with our testimonies of our Savior and the Great Plan of Happiness we can get through our trials and hard times.
![#Quote You will never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.](
Blessing: That I am able to notice what is healthy in my life and what isn't and eliminate the things that aren't good for me in order to find something better.
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