When Gods people are doing what they have been asked like keeping the commandments they always prosper in their land, plenty of food and many blessings beyond that. But when they aren't obedient they have hardship. It has  been this way since the beginning of time. Why is this concept so hard to grasp and do?
It's good to note and remember that Nephi was a very righteous man and yet he had trials and hardships. Sometimes I think those that are the most righteous, like Joseph Smith, have the hardest life's. Maybe when we are doing all we know how and life is hard it's because we are the strongest right then and our Father in Heaven is taking the time to make us stronger.
Challenges will come to you, but as you trust in God, they will strengthen your faith. LDS General Conference 2014 Quotes:
Blessing: That I have some amazing roommates that help me to keep my head up and get through trials; both school and others who don't like me. :)


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