2 Nephi 4:31 " Wilt thou redeem my soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of the hands of mine enemies? Wilt thou make me that I may shake at the appearance of sin?" That is a very powerful scripture. I wish I had less of the natural man in me. I try to become more like Christ everyday but, it's a work in progress. On my mission we were striving for perfect obedience. With this we don't only being blessings into my own life but into the lives of others around me. (4:34) " O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever ." How can I have more trust in my Savior? I feel like it's hard to. Life is hard!! If I was to trust in Gods plan for me more maybe it wouldn't be so hard. Blessing: I have good grades and I'm graduating.
Showing posts from December, 2015
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2Nephi 5:1-2 Nephi prayed to for his brothers that they would t be angry with him but their anger increased. Not always do we get what we want because of others agency. Nephi took everyone who would harken into his words. Harken - listen; used mostly in the imperative. Listening to me means taking knowledge kn and leading from it. I think far to often we listen but don't harken. We need to change to be better because of what we hear. Nephi taught his people to build. You must have knowledge it teach and you have to get that knowledge from somewhere. It's so important to be ever teachable. Listening for the Lords guidance.
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When Gods people are doing what they have been asked like keeping the commandments they always prosper in their land, plenty of food and many blessings beyond that. But when they aren't obedient they have hardship. It has been this way since the beginning of time. Why is this concept so hard to grasp and do? It's good to note and remember that Nephi was a very righteous man and yet he had trials and hardships. Sometimes I think those that are the most righteous, like Joseph Smith, have the hardest life's. Maybe when we are doing all we know how and life is hard it's because we are the strongest right then and our Father in Heaven is taking the time to make us stronger. Blessing: That I have some amazing roommates that help me to keep my head up and get through trials; both school and others who don't like me. :)
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" according to the feelings of his heart and the spirit of the Lord " This phrase really stuck out to me today. Probably because my boyfriend and I just broke up and so it feels like a confirmation of what I did was the right thing. And that He really did have a hand in it because my boyfriend was feeling the same way about he relationship when we broke up. I loved this today, (2 Nephi 4:20) " My God hath been my support he hath led me through mine afflictions... " I need to remember that more. That I have gotten this far in life not because of myself but because of God and the strength and support He has given me to get through hard things.
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2 Nephi 4:5, " I know that if ye are brought up in the way ye should go ye will not depart from it." That's amazing. I feel that this is so true. I know that because of the way my parents taught me and the example they set for me I had a desire to make good habits in my life. I am thankful for the many examples in my life of this. It also is showing us that we need to live this way our whole lives and do the same with our own children. The future generations are going to need The Gospel more then ever. Blessing: I'm thankful for the spirit in my life that leads and guides me.
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We must have opposition in all things so that we know the good from the evil. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25) We are supposed to be happy in this life, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge of it are supposed to bring us that joy or happiness that so many are seeking. And we can act for ourselves because we know good from evil. We need to 2 Nephi 2:28: 1. " look to the great Mediator", 2. " hearken unto his great commandments;" 3. " be faithful unto his work", 4. "and choose eternal life," " out of weakness he shall be made strong , " (2 Nephi 3:13) " I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me ." (Phil 4:13), and cross reference (Ether 12:27). At the end of vs. 19 it says, " I know their faith ." That is an amazing scripture, to me it show that our Father in Heaven knows each of us and even know how much faith we have and...
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Every time we sin we are making our Savior suffer. He already atoned for our sins but we have the decisions we make here on earth that determine out righteousness. "Redemption cometh in and through the Holy Measiah; for he is full of grace and truth. Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit." (2 Nephi 2:6-7) No one can live with God again if it weren't for Christ who saved each of us. 2:11 "there is an opposition in all things." God gave us all agency so that we could act for ourselves. Satan is miserable and is trying to pull us all down to his level. We must not give in but find our strength through Christ . We are more like God then Satan, keep moving up the hill, it is a hard one but there is help along the way. Blessing: that I have the spirit with me to help me do hard things.
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1 Nephi 21:16 is one of my favorite verses, " Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." But I don't understand what it means by walls? What walls are we talking about? I love the first part of the scripture thought, it helps me to personalize the Atonement so much more to think the prints in my Redeemers hands are there for me, He atoned for my sins. "...for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me." Wait - To rest in expectation and patience. (1828 Dictionary) To wait takes patience and long suffering. "...the righteous need not fear;" (1 Nephi 22:17 Would I be considered righteous? What do I need to work on, do better, or change in order to be in this group? Be obedient and Endure... Blessing: That I have amazing parents who are there for me always.
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When I think life is tough I need to remember who had it the hardest. Who suffered all for me? Yes, life is hard and we do and will have trials all of our life but I believe because of Christ they are barable. He lessened out burdens. I need to work harder at remembering the good, the covenants I've made with God and the blessings I've received instead of dwelling on the trials and harder parts of life. The scriptures were written to persuade other is the gospel and the goodness of it.
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Satan is so on top of his job that he wait until times are hard like for Nephi's family on the ship and then allows them to party and be rude towards one another. He makes it look fun and innocent but in reality it's not, it's harmful. It's important to recognize things that the Lord does for us each day especially the things that go unnoticed regularly and thank God for them. It's interesting that with Nephi's family they didn't have to take animals and food with them on their journey and when they arrived to the promise land there were animals, and materials like copper, ore, gold... and things they needed there for them. But Noah had to catch and load up two of every animal on the land into a ship and take them with him. What is the difference what did the Lord need to teach each of them? Couldn't He have done the same thing with both prophets? Blessing: I'm getting my grades up and getting the help I need with school.