I was just thinking about the miracle of Christ visiting America and how amazing that would have been. I was also wondering how many people still didn't believe? I mean when he was on earth in the days of the Bible people didn't believe him. What does it take for people to believe and gain a testimony of Our beloved Savior? 3 Nephi 12:1 "Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants;" It's the same with the twelve apostles today. Christ wants us to listen to them to and to obey what they are teaching us. (3 Nephi 12:16) AT the end of 3 Nephi 12:48 there is an invitation to become like Christ it says,"I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." What can we do to become perfect? We aren't perfect but, what kind of work and dedication does it take to become like our Savior? It is truly a bless...
Showing posts from August, 2015
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It's interesting how in the scriptures the people always get themselves in try how long between repentance did they actually get their prayers answered. I don't get answers to my prayers as quickly as it seems they do so what am I doing differently? 3 Nephi 5:4 talks about the robbers becoming prisoners, those who were not slain then " they did cast their prisoners into prison and did cause the word of God to be preached unto them;" That's a good missionary strategy. Satan is really good at twisting the truth and leading the hearts of God's children away. 3 Nephi 7:16-21 Why do people get so mad when miracles happen in the name of Christ? Why don't they rejoice that God gives man power? Christ commands us to stop giving sacrafices unto Him but instead He says,"ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit." "Those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit are willing to do anything and everything th...
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In 3rd Nephi, it talks about a lot of signs that were prophesied would come to past concerning the coming of Christ our Savior. It's amazing how may people still don't believe after they had witnessed so many other miracles. There was a prophecy from a Prophet of God and they still don't believe. I guess that does happen a lot today still. If people don't want to hear it and or don't want to believe it then they simply don't. Why is it so hard to accept their words? After we have a witness of something (or answer to a prayer) we need to thank God for that answer instead of questioning it or doubting what we feel. {Brand} Blessing: I am able to get my own personal revelation.
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When we have a witness, especially our own personal witness you would think that we would believe and have a testimony of the things in the Gospel. It's interesting because I feel like people don't recognize the spirit and blessings or miracles as coming from God anymore. People always say that was lucky instead of what a blessing. I have really tried to change that in my life since my mission. It's amazing how much happier it has made me. Recognizing blessings in my life instead of thinking that things were a coincidence. Samual the Laminite is truly an example of righteous living. He went out preaching the Gospel to the wicked people and didn't hesitate to obey God's commands. I need to be more like that, more willing to do the Lords Will in my life. Blessing: My fair job. :)
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In Helaman 15:3 it talks about the Lord chastened those he loved. I was thinking about how odd that is that you give trials and troubles to those you love. But as I kept thinking inrealized that boys act similarly. If they like you they are often mean to you, tease you make us stronger. It says "he chastened them because he loveth them."
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In Helaman 14:31 it is prophesying of Christ, his coming, his birth, life, and death. I don't know about you but if there were men having visions and gaining knowledge of someone I would have great desire to understand and to know for myself. In Helaman 14:28 it tells us. "the intent that there should be no cause for unbelief among the children of men..." I find that interesting the many things and the many efforts God puts out there for us as His children to believe in His son and His great plan. What do we need to do to have a desire to believe? God gave us that we might know good from evil (Hel. 14:31) so that we could return to live with him again. If we yield to the temptations of Satan and believe and follow the perfect example our Savior set for us we can be saved. Blessing: That is am able to recognize the promptingss of the Spirit.
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Repentance and Faith are the only things that can save us. (Helaman 13:6) It's important to gain a testimony of our own of the Gospel and to live it. If we try to rely on the testimony of others it won't get US through the hard times. We don't like to listen to those who are going to tell us that we are doing something wrong. As soon as the leaders of the church start telling us we need to do something we assume they aren't of Go because they don't agree with what I am doing. We can't go on living like this. We have to realize that the leaders of the church are servants of God and that if they are teaching a doctrine then we need to change and that message isn't coming from the person speaking it's coming from our Father in Heaven who loves us enough to correct and rebuke us. Blessing: Heavenly Father has blessed us with many examples to follow in this life, expecially a perfect example of our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
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Why does it take hard times like trials for us to remember our God? Why don't we always pray to him will full hearts truly seeking knowledge? (Helaman 12:23) "Therefore, blessed are they who will repent and hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; for these are they that shall be saved." "They that have done good shall have everlasting life;" (Helaman 12:26) Blessing: phone
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These are good questions we should ask ourselves (Alma 44:4- - "Believest thou the words which (Alma) spake unto thee concerning those records which have been kept? Do you believe in the words of the scriptures? - "Believest thou in Jesus Christ, who shall come? - Will ye keep my commandments? Okay I'm not sure why I was reading in Alma, I just caught myself. In Helaman... It says in Helaman 12:1; "we can see that the Lord in his great infinite goodness doth bless and prosper those who put their trust in him." How can I better put my trust in the Lord? Why don't I call upon Him more often?
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In reading these chapters, it just makes me think that the people were good examples of how not to be. We need to be righteous and holy people following Christ. As we do the will of the Lord He will bless us. Temple ordinances like the sealing are very important, so important it is mentioned in The Book of Mormon. -How are am I preparing for greater covenants and blessings?
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(Helaman 8:14-15) We need to "look upon the Son of God with faith, having contrite spirit," As we look upon Christ we will gain the faith that we need to get through our trials in this life. It is important to look to Christ to live not only in this life but for eternity. What are ways we can better look upon christ and not be ashamed? In this story he is talking about the serpent on the staff and the people were told that if they would only look at it then they would be healed. -What would it take for us? -What "serpents" do we avoid or take for granted today?
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In Helaman 6:3 I love this verse because it is talking about members being missionaries. It says talking about the people of the church, "they did fellowship one with another, and did rejoice one with another, and did have great joy." I believe that as we continuously help those around us that we will have great joy and find happiness. It is important to serve others and find joy in the service. Satan puts negative thoughts into our heads we need to realize where these thoughts are coming from and not allow them to affect our lives and thoughts. Because Satan will do whatever he can to make us "miserable like unto himself" (2 Nephi 2:27). So I was reading about the Gadianton Robbers and how they were an unrighteous group of men. It made me think about the groups and or people we associate with and how they influence us. Blessing: I have supportive and understanding parents that help me through my trials and are always there for me when I need them.
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I love this scripture. I wish I remembered it more so that I didn't worry so much because my foundation is in Christ and I do have a strong relationship with my Savior and my Father in Heaven. I am just stubborn sometimes and don't ask for help thinking I can do it on my own when in reality we can't do anything on our own. That is why I am so grateful I know that God knows me perfectly to send me help even when I don't ask for it and when I think I can do things on my own. As we build our foundation on Christ we will be the strongest men and women on the earth and be able to get through the hard times with our Savior by our side. Building a foundation takes a lot of work though it doesn't just come all at once we must always be working on it and making sure we are doing the things asked of us like; reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, going to church, going to the temple and so much more. It says in the scripture that if we have a sure foundation we ...
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When we don't live our lives righteously God takes away miracles and things that woul strengthen our testimony. In order to get the fullness of Gods blessings we need to live as righteous as we and try to follow the Commandments and teachings of our God. What does it mean that Christ "should come to redeem his people, but that he should not come to redeem them in their sin, but to redeem them from their sins"? Hel. 5:10 What does it mean to be redeemed from instead of in our sins? Blessing: I'm able to learn new things every day and strengthen my testimony.
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It talks in Helaman chapter 3 about the importance of raising out Children up in the gospel. We need to remember how important it is to teaching them how to follow our (Helaman 3:21). It's interesting that it talks about the importance of doing what is right in the sight of God continually. It makes me think of Brand the guy I'm dating right now and how different some things that i think are a priority vs the things that he thinks are a priority in our lives. Helaman 3:35 is a good example for each of us to follow it says, "they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ," To Do: *Fast *Pray Blessings: *Humility *Firmer Faith
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In Alma 62-63 it talks a lot about ways of a righteous servant of God. I like 63:2 it says talking about Helaman, "he was a just man, and he did walk uprightly before God; and he did observe to do good continually, to keep the commandments of the Lord his God; and also did his brother." We need to all be like that and observe and keep God's commandments. What can we do to better do that? How can we make sure we are doing this daily? Blessing: That I have an amazing family and parents that are able to help me out and support me in all I do.
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Sometimes we receive trials in our lives because of the choices of others around us. I think that is the hardest thing to accept. It's easy to accept things that happen to us when we did something we shouldn't have or when we need to repent but not when it is the fault of others. Blessing: The opportunity to do my internship in Rexburg with members of the church
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Alma 60 is a good reminder of the many things we forget and take for granted every day. It really made me think of the many blessings I have in my life that I probably don't even notice or acknowledge. We also need to continuously be striving to keep the covenants we have made with our Father in Heaven and if we aren't willing to do so we shouldn't enter into them. Understanding more and more about what Joseph Smith and all the other Prophets had to go through for this amazing Book of Mormon strengthens my testimony that much more ever time I read it and realize that each work means something and it should be applied to my life.