I like this: Each of us can have a life-changing experience which will forever define our discipleship if we apply Moroni's promise to the Book of Mormon. Whatever "grove" we enter when we lack wisdom, we will also learn, in a less dramatic way, that the Lord giveth to all men liberally and that by the power of the Holy Ghost, [we] may know the truth of all things. - We need to remember that we can make any place on earth a sacred grove and we can receive answers anywhere if we are prepared and truly have an open heart and a willing mind. "teach the word of wisdom;...the word of knowledge..." -We must be worthy of the spirit in order to be able to teach the word of wisdom and knowledge. We must have the spirits help to come to greater understanding and better ways to live and teach these principles of the Gospel. This is awesome, I really like this quote because it gives me hope and a new look on how to live; Moroni 10:17 "...they come unto every m...
Showing posts from July, 2017